
Sinorock Visitor Team in AIMEX
The 2017 Asia-Pacific’s International Mining Exhibition (AIMEX) came to an end on August 31st,Sinorock sent visitor team to Australia and visited the exhibition.
AIMEX is one of the largest mining exhibition in the Asia Pacific region and one of the three largest mining exhibitions in the world, which founded in 1970. The exhibition took place for three days at the Showground Exhibition Center in Sydney, Australia. About 280 exhibitiors came from Germany, China, South Korea, USA, Australia and other countries , every exhibits are mining supplies which well suited to the theme of the show. Visitors can find the exhibits they need to know easily in accordance with the exhibition instructions and communicate with manufacturers around the world face-to-face.
There is an old saying of China that meet an old friend in a distant land is one of the three happiest thing in one’s life. During the visit, Sinorock visitor team has experienced this kind of happiness, because they met the cooperation/intention customers who came from all over the world in the AIMEX exhibition hall. In 2018, Sinorock will also take part in or visit more trade shows around the world, and keep this happiness continuing!
Contact us now if you have any questions about our company and products. Any of your inquiry and suggestion will be highly appreciated. We will retain your information completely private.